Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It Was the End of Times, It Was the Beginning of Times...

Welcome, Jesus! The time of celebrating the incarnation is nearly upon us here at the full of the moon and the winter solstice. How I wish I could have actually seen the lunar eclipse in the sky last night, but alas, it was too cloudy. I have it on good authority that it really did happen. The pictures were all over the internet and the papers. Son Sean even got to see a sliver of it in between the clouds.

Please forgive my continuing with the abbreviated format but I continue to be keyboard-challenged by my broken wrist. All three scriptures today are eschatological, meaning that they pertain to the end times. We witness the intersection of the end and the beginning during Advent, and since I do not have it in my power to launch on a dissertation of any quality, I offer up to you an essay by Debra Dean Murphy of West Virginia Wesleyan College that muses on the subject. You can find it on the Sojourners' web site here:


Today's readings are:

Luke 1: 46-55 (Sound familiar? We talked about Mary's Magnificat: Now think of it as prophesy)

Isaiah 33: 17-22

Revelation 22: 6-7 and 18-20 (Although you may be interested in Ch. 21 as well)

Blessings as we rest and wait. Come, Lord Jesus!

Illustration Credit: "Tree of Life", Gustav Klimt

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