Friday, November 28, 2014

Flooding the Streets with Art

This little 10"x8" acrylic painting is my contribution to the second annual "Flood the Streets with Art" event, begun in response to the materialism and craziness that is typically Black Friday.  Started and organized by Wisconsin artist, Scott Wong, the premise is simple:  Artists everywhere are invited to make art and release it somewhere in public where it is likely to be found and claimed by someone.

For FREE.  Totally.  For.  FREE.

There is no hidden cost.  It's all about making the world a little bit more loving, a little less materialistic, and a bit less focused on acquiring yet more STUFF the day after we have just offered our thanks for the stuff we already own.

"Windowbox with Flowers" was left in Sacramento near the campus of City College (Freeport and Sutterville) and I hope that whoever finds it will let me know and give it a good home.